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The exhibition Katarina Pirak Sikku / Nammaláhpán opens at Bildmuseet on Sunday February 2, at 15:00, and runs thereafter until April 20. Welcome to a preview on Thursday January 30, at 10:00. The artist will be present to give an introduction to her exhibition
On Sunday January 19 at 14:00, two new exhibitions are opened at Bildmuseet. The Phoenix is closer than it appears, a large scale mirror installation by the Berlin based artist Thilo Frank, will fill an entire exhibition hall on the top floor. For the entrace floor he has created the site-specific work Circumpolar Lantern.
Two new exhibitions will open at Bildmuseet on Sunday January 19th at 14:00. One of them is Andreas Johansson / Place Position, a pop-up landscape in large scale that the artist has created especially for Bildmuseet.
Today, the independent newspaper on healthcare news ”Dagens Medicin” named the University Hospital of Umeå (NUS) as the best in Sweden.
Researchers at Umeå and Uppsala University in Sweden have discovered a new signaling pathway that makes cancer cells aggressive. The findings could lead to improved treatment for advanced prostate cancer, as well as breast and lung cancer.
Country: ITALY - Download date: 2014 01 23 11:20 - Post date: 23-01-2014 02:00 - Organisation: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research - Research Fields: Language sciences
Country: ITALY - Download date: 2014 01 23 11:20 - Post date: 23-01-2014 02:00 - Organisation: Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research - Research Fields: Physics
Researchers working in the international LARS project at Stockholm University have published a unique and comprehensive study on starburst galaxies in the Astrophysical Journal Letter. The researchers have investigated how ultraviolet light of a certain wavelength travels through galaxies, and the results show that the light often takes a detour before it reaches us. One effect of this is that the galaxies appear larger and more diffuse than they really are.
In stores, most perfumes are categorized as either feminine or masculine, but how do we perceive the scents when the commercial gender categorizations are unknown? A new dissertation from Stockholm University shows that many perfumes are perceived as "unisex", and that these are the scents preferred by most people.
The retreat of the summer sea ice in the Arctic region is one of the most dramatic signs of the ongoing climate change. Although the ice cover is steadily decreasing it also shows a large variability from year to year. In a new study, published in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change, researches at Stockholm University have examined the variability of the Arctic sea ice. They concluded that warm and humid winds from southerly latitudes towards the Arctic in spring are important for the amount of sea ice later in the summer.
