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10th FRUCT Conference: News and Updates


The 10th FRUCT conference is over. We thank all conference speakers and participants. Presentation materials and videos from the conference will be published in Program page. Looking forward to see all of you at the 11th FRUCT conference in St.-Petersburg on April 23-27, 2012 (submission deadline is February 20, 2012).

Trainings of the first day of FRUCT conference have started. We get good attendance that exceeded original expectations. Now the leaflet of FRUCT10 conference is available for download.

The first day of pre-conference is openned.

The conference registration is closed. We get 155 registrations to the conference. In case of any questions please contact info<at>

The updated version of the conference program is available for download. The new version includes:

  • presentation "Accountability and host identities", by Seppo Heikkine from Tampere University of Technology, added to the program of Platform Security Seminar on Nov 8
  • presentation "R&D cooperation of NSN in Russia in the field of standardization", by Alexander Sayenko from Nokia Siemens Networks, added to the From Science to Business session on Nov 10
  • presentation "Test Bench Development for IEEE 802.11-based WLAN Performance Evaluation and Measurements" is re-scheduled from Nov 10 to Nov 11 and the end of Nov 11 program is moved forward till 17.30
  • presentations "Signal Strength-Based Approach for 3G/WLAN Handover on Nokia N900 Devices" and "Development of Kannada Keyboard Interface and Crop Management on Nokia N900 device" moved from session Mobile Linux to session Mobile Solutions I, and in exchange presentations "MySocials: Client for Social Network Services on Maemo 5 Fremantle and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan" and "The Cross-Platform Implementation of Game Draughts" moved to Mobile Linux session.

The conference program is available for download.

The General Information page has been updated. Now you can find there travelling instructions on how to get to the conference place and practical guidelines on how to install the Smart Conference clients on your mobile device.

The first draft of the conference program is available for download.

All sessions and trainings of the 10th FRUCT conference will be held in Nokia offices, buildings Hermia 2, 4 and 5. Address: Visiokatu 1, Hervanta, Tampere.

On the Edge of Wireless Evolution – Latest 3G and 4G developments and trends in 3GPP training will be held in Nokia office, building Hermia 4, Auditorium Universum 172 on November 11 from 9.30 till 13.30. Don't forget to register yourself to the training. Please follow the latest news on the training web page.

The Platform security seminar and training will be held in Nokia office, building Hermia 5, Auditorium A156 on November 8 from 9.00 till 18.00. Don't forget to register yourself to the training. Please follow the latest news on the seminar web page.

Basics of H.264/AVC Video Compression training will be held in Nokia office, building Hermia 4, Universum 172 on November 10 from 9.00 till 13.00. Don't forget to register yourself to the training. Please follow the latest news on the training web page.

Qt Quick for Mobile Development training will be held in Nokia office, building Hermia 5, PC-Class B112 on November 8 from 9.00 till 13.00. Don't forget to register yourself to the training. Please follow the latest news on the training web page.

Smart-M3 training will be held in Nokia office, building Hermia 5, Auditorium A156 on November 9 from 9.00 till 11.45. Don't forget to register yourself to the training. Please follow the latest news on the training page.

To all authors planning to present projects at FRUCT demo session, we recommend to submit details of your presentations to the Poster Presentations Management System. This management system accomulates the list of presentations and automatically provides it to SmartConferenceSystem, which would be used to organize poster session in Pecha Kucha format.

Ubiq Mobile training will be held in Nokia office, building Hermia 5, PC-Class B112 on November 8 from 14.00 till 18.00. Don't forget to register yourself to the training. Please follow the latest news on the training web page.

Demo section of the 10th FRUCT conference will be held on November 10, 19.00 - 22.00 in Demola. The address to Demola is Väinö Linnan aukio 15, 3rd floor, you can find the instructions to the location from Demola website. We ask all authors to send titles and 2-3 paragraph descriptions of your demo proposals ASAP to info<at> October 28, 2011 is the deadline for submitting demo proposals. Please also make sure that the demo will be prepared in line with the below provided recommendations.

Please check update on the accomodation options in Tampere - FRUCT has made reservation of the rooms in two hotel. These reservations are valid till October 20 and October 28. If you are interested to take rooms under this price deal please contact info<at> before these deadlines. For more details please refer to Accomodation page.

The program of the training On the Edge of Wireless Evolution – Latest 3G and 4G developments and trends in 3GPP is published. Please note that all trainings require separate registration. The Registration is available at the training page.

The program of Smart-M3 training is published. Please note that all trainings require separate registration. The Registration is available at the training page.

The papers submission is closed now. The acceptance notification will be sent to authors by October 17.

The program of Ubiq Mobile training is published. Please note that all trainings require separate registration. The Registration is available at the training page.

The submission deadline is extended. The new submission deadline is September 26, 2011.

The demo section at FRUCT conference will consist of two parts. The first part is promotional section, which is used to introduce demo projects to the public in Pecha Kucha format. The second part will be held in classical stand-based format, where the team gets a place to install the demo and place for a poster. If you have some special requirements please contact organizing committee by email info<at> For more information please visit Demo section page.

FRUCT is currently negotiating accommodation discounts in Tampere. If you are interested to get accommodation based on FRUCT price you have to mention it in your conference registration form and the organizing committee will contact you. Please note that FRUCT accepts accommodation requests on the first come first served base and accepts requests that come not later than 3 weeks prior to the conference.

All submission, i.e. Full papers, “presentation only” publications and poster/demo proposals have to be prepared using latest document templates (for abstracts and demo proposals the document shall contain standard paper header followed by 200 words - 2 pages). Please SUBMIT your papers in PDF format and make sure that it follows our template: MS Word or LaTeX. The submission deadline is September 19, 2011.

The 10th FRUCT conference will be held November 7-11, 2011 in Tampere, Finland. The general sections will be attached by technology trainings and round tables. Participation in all the FRUCT events is free of charge, the registration is required. The papers submission deadline is September 19, 2011. More details about papers submission and the conference programm will be available later. Looking forward to see you in Tampere!

The conference page is created and Call for Participation in 10th FRUCT conference is added.



