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10th FRUCT Conference: Program

The conference program is available for download in PDF.

November 8 (Tuesday)
Nokia office Hermia 5, Visiokatu 1, Tampere

08:30 30m Registration (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Session:Platform Security Seminar
Room:Auditorium A156
Chairman:Jan-Erik Ekberg
Training:Qt Quick for Mobile Development
Room: PC-Class B112
Trainer:Tony Torp
09:00 2h 20m Mobile Trusted Computing, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Nokia Research Center, Finland Intro to Qt Nokia developer offering, Qt SDK
11:20 30m Accountability and host identities, Seppo Heikkine, Tampere University of Technology, Finland The first Qt application Intro to QML programming language
11:50 30m MeeGo 1.2 (Harmattan) OS Platform Security Architecture, Timofey Turenko, FRUCT, Finland QML Mobility APIs, example hands on with maps and GPS
12:20 20m The Security Aspects of Cirrostratus Private Cloud Storage, Vitaly Petrov, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Signing and deploying
12:40 20m Detection and Notification of Additional Actions of Signed Java Applets, Roman Zharinov, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia Publishing apps in Nokia store
13:00 1h Lunch break
Session: Platform Security Seminar: hands-on training
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Jan-Erik Ekberg
Training: Ubiq Mobile training
Room: PC-Class B112
Trainer: Valentin Onossovski
14:00 30m OnBoardCredentials hands-on training, Jan-Erik Ekberg, Nokia Research Center, Vitaly Petrov, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Overview of Ubiq Mobile concepts, program models and development environment
14:30 1h Overview of QReal concepts, modeling and generation tools
15:30 1h Creation of sample webcam application using Ubiq Mobile .NET API
16:30 1h Creation of the same application using DSL
17:30 30m Demos of Ubiq Mobile applications on mobile devices
18:00 Closing of Day 1

November 9 (Wednesday)
Nokia office Hermia 5, Visiokatu 1, Tampere

08:30 30m Registration (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Training: Smart-M3 hands-on
Room: Auditorium A156
Trainer: Jukka Honkola
09:00 45m Show M3 python API in detail, overview of other APIs
09:45 45m Different abstraction levels: SSAP vs. using an ontology library
10:30 45m Hello world example
11:15 30m Hands-on exercise / detailed demo
11:45   Registration (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Training: Official opening of 10th FRUCT conference
Room: Auditorium A156
Chair: Sergey Balandin
12:00 10m Opening of the 10th FRUCT conference and welcome words
12:10 20m Welcome words from Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in Finland, Valery Shlyamin
12:30 45m Keynote talk: Qt contributions in many shapes and forms, Knut Yrvin, Nokia, Norway
13:15 45m Invited talk: The Future of Telecommunications: a look at the technology evolution that will shape the telecom bi in the last part of this decade (video), Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia Lab, Italy
14:00 30m Coffee-break (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Session: Mobile Linux
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman:Knut Yrvin
14:30 30m Gaming Freedom, Laszlo Papp, KDE Community, Finland
15:00 20m MySocials: Client for Social Network Services on Maemo 5 Fremantle and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan, Kirill Kulakov, Konstantin Kirpichenok, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
15:20 20m Overview of possible architectural solutions for MeeGo cloud player, Oleksandr Kachur, Vladimir Sayenko, KTURE, Ukraine
15:40 20m The Cross-Platform Implementation of Game Draughts, Valery Kirkizh, Evgeny Linsky, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia
16:00 30m Coffee-break (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Session: FRUCT info session - status, news and Web WG meeting
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Sergey Balandin
16:30 30m Overview of the FRUCT program, current status and latest updates
17:00 30m Distributed Social Network Services for the FRUCT Community, Vitaly Petrov, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, Valery Kirkizh, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia, Ekaterina Dashkova, University of Oulu, Finland
17:30 30m Panel discussion on the FRUCT program future and Web WG discussion
18:00 Closing of Day 2 followed by the meeting of FRUCT Advisory Board

November 10 (Thursday)
Nokia office Hermia 5, Visiokatu 1, Tampere

08:30 30m Registration and Day Agenda (Auditorium A156)
Session: Mobile Solutions I
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Timofey Turenko
Training: Basics of H.264/AVC Video Compression
Trainer: Vinod Kumar Malamal Vadakital
Room: Hermia 4, Universum 172
09:00 20m Signal Strength-Based Approach for 3G/WLAN Handover on Nokia N900 Devices, Nickolay Amelichev, Kirill Krinkin, St-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia, S.P. Shiva Prakash, TN Nagabhushan, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, India Introduction to the concept and principles of video compression
09:20 20m Development of Kannada Keyboard Interface and Crop Management on Nokia N900 device, TN Nagabhushan, S.P.Shiva Prakash, Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, India, Suresh Chande, Nokia, Finland
09:40 20m Ubiq Mobile+QReal – a technology for development of distributed mobile services, Timofey Bryksin, Yurii Litvinov, Valentin Onossovski, Andrey Terekhov, St.-Petersburg State University, Russia Introduction to the H.264/AVC video codec blocks
10:00 30m Coffee-break (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Session: Mobile Healthcare
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Alexander Sayenko
10:30 40m Mobile monitoring of vital parameters: aims, instruments and current state of implementation of mHealth projects worldwide and in Russia, Oleg Medvedev, Maxim Yatskovskiy, Moscow State University, Russia
11:10 40m Privacy and security in older adults independent living assistance platform, Pekka Jäppinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland Brief description of the workings of the different building blocks of the video codec
11:50 20m CardioZip: an ECG Compression Library for Mobile HealthCare, Aleksandr Borodin, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
12:10 20m Using Bluetooth on Android Platform for mHealth Development, Evgeny Stankevich, Ilya Paramonov, Yaroslavl State University, Russia Understanding of the different compression concepts using practical experimentation
12:30 1h Lunch break
Session: From Science to Business
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Yevgeni Koucheryavy
13:30 45m Keynote: From Science to R&D Business, Dmitry Petrov, Kari Aho, Magister Solutions Ltd, Finland
14:15 30m ICT ecosystem of Oulu region, Janne Mustonen, Business Oulu, Finland
14:45 20m R&D cooperation of NSN in Russia in the field of standardization, Alexander Sayenko, Nokia Siemens Networks, Finland
15:05 15m Activity-oriented Approach in Modeling Adaptive Business Process, Irina Brusakova, Maria Kossukhina, Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics, Russia
15:20 30m Coffee-break (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Session: Network Technologies
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman:: Pekka Jäppinen
FRUCT WG meeting: Mobile Linux WG
Room: PC-Class B112
Chairman: Timofey Turenko
15:50 20m Operational challenges for emerging cognitive radio technologies - Wireless Devices Utilizing TV White Spaces, Jarkko Paavola, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
16:10 20m Overview of Congestion Control Mechanisms for Wireless Sensor Networks, Ekaterina Dashkova, Andrei Gurtov, University of Oulu, Finland
16:30 20m Influence of browser type on HTTP Traffic parameters, Vladimir Deart, Ivan Kozhuhov, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Russia
16:50 20m Applications for Distributed Beamforming, Tero Hurnanen, Graduate School in Electronics, Telecommunications and Automation (GETA), Jarkko Paavola, Turku University of Applied Sciences, Jari Tissari, Jussi Poikonen, BID Technology, University of Turku, Finland FRUCT WG meeting: Smart Spaces WG
Room: PC-Class B112
Chairman: Sergey Balandin
17:10 20m Methods and tools for system on chip retargetable parallel programming, Alexey Syschikov, Boris Sedov, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia
17:30 20m Integrated development environment for visual parallel programming, Sedov Boris, Alexey Syschikov, Vera Ivanova, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia
17:50 40m Internet of Things, Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Mikhail Gerasimenko, Tampere University of Technology, Finland (supported by grant of Nokia Siemens Networks/Russia to Mikhail Gerasimenko for studies abroad)
18:30 30m Free time and transportation to Demola (Väinö Linnan aukio 15, 3rd floor)
Session: Presentation of demos in Pecha Kucha format
Room: Demola, 3rd floor
Chairman: Ilya Paramonov
19:00 3h Demo Session and Social Event, Demola, Väinö Linnan aukio 15, 3rd floor

November 11 (Friday)
Nokia office Hermia 5, Visiokatu 1, Tampere

09:00 30m Registration and Day Agenda (Auditorium A156)
Session: Smart Space Applications
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Alexey Kashevnik
Training: On the Edge of Wireless Evolution
Room: Hermia 4, Universum 172
Trainer: Dmitry Petrov
09:30 20m Smart Conference Services at 10th FRUCT Conference, Alexey Kashevnik, SPIIRAS; Dmitry Korzun, Ivan Galov, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia General introduction: Technologies HSPA vs. LTE, Radio interface, Architecture, Performance (data rates, latencies) Current and upcoming market situation
09:50 20m Compositions of Personal Smart Spaces in Multi-Blogging, Ivan Galov, Dmitry Korzun, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia Challenges for mobile networks HSPA Evolution:-Energy efficiency
10:10 20m SmartScribo Blog Processor for Multi-Blogging in Smart Spaces, Rustam Kadirov, Dmitriy Korzun, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia HSPA Evolution: - Indoor coverage extension with Femtocells - Going beyond 5 MHz in HSPA uplink and downlink
10:30 20m Mind Mapping in Smart Conference System, Andrew Vasilev, Ilya Paramonov, Oleg Kandaurov, Eldar Mamedov, Yaroslavl State University, Russia Coordinated Multi-point transmissions (COMP) in HSPA: Single frequency aggregation and switching concepts
10:50 20m Pecha Kucha Support for Smart Conference System, Ilya Paramonov, Andrew Vasilev, Yaroslavl State University, Russia COMP in HSPA: Dual frequency aggregation and switching concepts, Single frequency network (HS-SFN), Discontinuous data transmission
11:10 20m Presentations management system, Pavel Smirnov, Yuriy Katkov, Irina Pochinok, Dmitry Mouromtsev, St-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Russia Uplink and downlink MIMO enhancements: - Open and closed loop beamforming and switched antenna transmit diversity in uplink - 4 Tx downlink MIMO
11:30 30m Coffee-break (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Session: Smart-M3 Platform
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Alexey Kashevnik
Training: On the Edge of Wireless Evolution (cont.)
Room: Hermia 4, Universum 172
Trainer: Dmitry Petrov
12:00 30m Smart-M3 based applications, Petri Liuha, Nokia Research Center, Finland Enhancements for LTE: Energy efficiency, Heterogeneous networks (Hetnet), Carrier aggregation, MIMO enhancements
12:30 20m Subscription Operation in Smart-M3, Aleksandr Lomov, Dmitry Korzun, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia LTE network fault detection and management: - Self Organizing/Optimizing Networks (SON)
12:50 20m Porting Smart-M3 platform to MeeGo operation system, Kirill Yudenok, St-Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia LTE network fault detection and management: - Minimization of drive tests (MDT)
13:10 20m A tag-based recommendation system for Smart-M3, Diana Zaiceva, Dmitry Korzun, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia Conclusion and wrap-up
13:30 1h Lunch break
Session: Mobile Video
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Karen Egiazarian
FRUCT WG meeting: Mobile Healthcare WG
Room: PC-Class B112
Chairman: Oleg Medvedev
14:50 15m Recognition of panorama parts using OpenCV, Ekaterina Polishchuk, St-Petersburg Academic University – Nanotechnology Research and Education Centre RAS, Russia FRUCT WG meeting: Mobile Healthcare WG
Room: PC-Class B112
Chairman: Oleg Medvedev
15:05 15m Gaze estimation for near-eye display based on fusion of starburst algorithm and FERN natural features, Peter Bazanov, Toni Järvenpää, Nokia Research Center, Finland
15:20 15m Reversible q-ary Generalized Data Hiding, Tatiana Efimushkina, Karen Egiazarian, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
15:35 15m Rate-distortion Oriented Joint video pre-filtering and compression, Junsheng Fu, Evgeny Belyaev, Karen Egiazarian, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
15:50 30m Coffee-break (main hall near Auditorium A156)
Session: Mobile Solutions II
Room: Auditorium A156
Chairman: Sergey Balandin
16:20 20m Simulator of a “Weather” Cloud, Ksenia Khramenkova, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia, Olivier Hermant, Renaud Pawlak, Institut Supérieur d'Electronique de Paris, France
16:40 20m Synchronization with External Task Systems in Octotask Application, Denis Laure, Yury Krupin, Alexander Abdulloev, Ilya Paramonov, Andrey Vasilev, Yaroslavl State University, Russia
17:00 20m Test Bench Development for IEEE 802.11-based WLAN Performance Evaluation and Measurements, Vitaly Petrov, Sergey Andreev, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia
17:20 10m Official closing of 10th FRUCT conference, Hermia 5, Auditorium A156