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18th FRUCT Conference: Call for Participation

ITMO University  ITMO Technopark        IEEE IEEE ComSoc   EMC

The 18th conference of the Open Innovations Association FRUCT will be held in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, on 18-22 April 2016.  Download CFP in PDF.

Overview of FRUCT

FRUCT is the largest regional cooperation framework between academia and industry in form of open innovations. FRUCT conferences are attended by the representatives of 25 FRUCT member universities from Russia, Finland, Denmark, Italy, Ukraine, India, industrial experts from Qt community, EMC, EIT ICT Labs, Nokia Siemens Networks and a number of guests from other companies and universities.

The conference is an R&D forum for the most active students, academic experts, industrial researchers and influential representatives of business and government. The conference invites the world-class academic and industrial researchers to give lectures on the most relevant topics, provides an opportunity for student teams to present progress and results of their R&D projects, meet new interesting people and form new R&D teams. The conference program consists of 3 to 5 intensive (½ or full day) trainings on the most promising technologies, plus 3 days of the main conference.

This year FRUCT will be held with the 2nd annual Seminar on Information Security and Protection of Information Technologies (ISPIT-2016). ISPIT is a scientific forum for professionals and scientists involved in cyber security and IT-security. ISPIT focuses on novel researches and developments in these areas. The seminar is organized by department Secure Information Technologies of ITMO University. The seminar scope includes the mobile devices and cell phones security, data communication channels security, information security in the financial and banking sectors, digital forensics and cloud computing security.

Traditionally FRUCT conferences pay a lot of attention to development of the Open Source principles and support the corresponding activities and communities. The conference is targeted to discuss the current status and scenarios for future development of mobile Linux platform. Development on Qt is another key topic of the conference. To increase awareness on these topics, we organizing mobile Linux and Qt trainings within the conference scope. Also the conference demo session will include a lot of demos done on mobile Linux and Qt. The conference is supported by the local mobile Linux community and we welcome all mobile Linux and Qt developers to attend this event.

FRUCT warmly welcome all university research teams to participate in the conference, present your research and join the FRUCT Program. Thanks to our sponsors, FRUCT and IEEE members, as well as all students and staff-members of Russian, Finnish, Danish, Ukranian and Indian universities can enjoy significant discounts on the registration fee. Please take early registration to the conference.

Background and motivation

The distinctive feature of modern IT and Telecommunications industries is in dramatic shortening of the period when technology remains commercially viable. On the one hand, this is due to the competition between key market players that are pushing all manufacturers to accelerate innovations; on the other hand, this is due to technological progress speed up caused by the growing expansion of intellectual resource invested into R&D and design activities. This trend is an important call and challenge for the leading educational and research institutions around the globe. In the FRUCT we believe that it is crucial to combine forces of EU and Russia to follow up the competition in adopting university education to the new industrial trends. The first step is to strength a bridge between Russian and Finnish academic worlds, increase visibility of involved research teams and set direct personal contacts between academic and industrial experts.

Call for papers and presentations

You can select one of the following 3 types of submissions:
- Full papers (min 6 pages and up to 12 pages), deadline January 15, 2016;

- Extended abstracts (min 200 words, max 5 pages), deadline January 15, 2016;

- Papers to ISPIT-2016 seminar, deadline March 7, 2016;

- Poster or demo summary (min 200 words, max 5 pages), by April 2, 2016.

Please note that one person can be a coauthor of at maximum 3 submissions of all types. Submit.

Conference dates: 18 - 22 Apr 2016
Conference location: Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Abstract submission deadline: 15 Jan 2016
Full Paper Submission deadline: 15 Jan 2016
Notification of acceptance date: 15 Feb 2016
Camera-ready submission deadline: 4 Mar 2016

All submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the Technical Committee. Please follow provided paper templates: MS Word or LaTeX. Please note the following major changes in the templates: The size of page should be Letter (21.59 cm × 27.94 cm). If you are using Word margins must be: top — 1.9 cm, bottom — 1.6 cm, left — 1.57 cm and right – 1.57 cm. Please note that all Full Paper submissions shall have at least 6 full pages and the last page cannot contain only Acknowledgments and References (at least some text of the main paper, e.g., part of Conclusions, shall be on page 6).

The list of the conference focus topics is provided below (we welcome you to propose new challenging R&D topics):

  • Location Based Services, Navigation, Logistics management, e-Tourism solutions
  • Mobile Healthcare, Wellbeing, Automated diagnostics, Fitness, e-Health solutions
  • Future services: Proactivity, IoT, Smart Spaces, Context Analysis, Big Data and data mining
  • Energy efficient design of sensors, integration of peripherals
  • Cross-platform software, innovative mobile services, new approaches to application design, innovative UX
  • Smart Systems, Inter-device connectivity, embedded networks
  • Mobile device security, management of personal and business privacy
  • Modern network architectures, Emerging wireless technologies, Air interfaces and protocols
  • Mobile multimedia and video services and solutions

All conference papers and abstracts will be published in FRUCT proceeding. In addition published Full papers will be submitted for indexing to Scopus and Web of Science and the best papers will be recommended to publication in journals.


Chair of the local organizing committee: Dmitry Mouromtsev
All general questions about FRUCT conference please send to info<at>