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Latest changes and updates on the site

Updated date Titlesort ascending
29.06.16 Pilot Research Grants
29.06.16 KILROY Foundation Grant
29.06.16 International Guest Scholarships
29.06.16 Dresden International PhD Program
29.06.16 APS Prizes
21.06.16 Тренинг по разработке под Sailfish OS в Санкт-Петербурге
21.06.16 Rudolf Hermanns Prize
21.06.16 Research Grants
21.06.16 Frontiers of Knowledge Awards
21.06.16 Fellowships
21.06.16 Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships
29.05.16 Приглашаем на Sailfish OS тренинг в Санкт-Петербурге
29.05.16 Tutkimusapurahat
29.05.16 Supra Nordic Scholarships
29.05.16 Research Student Scholarship
29.05.16 PhD Fellowships
29.05.16 Auditory Research Grant
18.05.16 Tutkimusapurahat
18.05.16 Tiedonjulkistamisen apurahat
18.05.16 Stipendit
18.05.16 Research Award
18.05.16 Anslag
11.05.16 International PhD Program
11.05.16 Apurahat ulkomaisiin opintoihin ja harjoitteluun
11.05.16 Apurahat opettajille
11.05.16 Apurahat
11.05.16 Apurahat
05.05.16 Stipendit
05.05.16 Personal Visiting Research Grant
05.05.16 Eino Jutikkalan rahaston apurahat
05.05.16 Audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin tuki
05.05.16 Apuraha
04.05.16 UEG Research Prize
04.05.16 Scholarships
04.05.16 Grand Challenges Explorations Round 17
04.05.16 Chairs for Foreign Research Scientists
04.05.16 Apurahat
29.04.16 Travel Scholarships to the Faroe Islands
29.04.16 The Stockholm Prize in Criminology
29.04.16 Social Issues Dissertation Award
29.04.16 Senior Research Award
29.04.16 Apurahat
28.04.16 King Faisal International Prize
28.04.16 ISE Prizes for Green Electrochemistry and Applied Electrochemistry
28.04.16 Individual Research Grants
28.04.16 Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowships
28.04.16 Cancer Foundation Research Award
24.04.16 18th FRUCT Conference: Meetup of Russian Sailfish OS Developers Community
22.04.16 18th FRUCT Conference: Submit paper
22.04.16 18th FRUCT Conference: Registration
21.04.16 Wim Duisenberg Research Fellowship Program
21.04.16 The Earth and Space Awards
21.04.16 Scholarships
21.04.16 Research Grants Program
21.04.16 Bioelectrochemistry Prize of ISE Division 2
