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Latest changes and updates on the site

Updated date Titlesort ascending
24.05.12 Business+Technologies School: Great Convergence
24.05.12 Business+Technologies School: Smart Spaces
24.05.12 3rd FRUCT: WidSets hands-on session & competition
24.05.12 3rd FRUCT
24.05.12 FRUCT 3: Symbian hands-on session & competition
24.05.12 Mobile Technologies QML Winter School in Petrozavodsk
24.05.12 Training on QtQuick and Components in Moscow
24.05.12 Training on QtQuick and Components in Yaroslavl
20.05.12 Qt training in India
20.05.12 Yaroslavl Qt training
20.05.12 Moscow Qt training
20.05.12 Qt training in Novosibirsk
20.05.12 Advanced Qt Summer School in St.Petersburg
20.05.12 QML training in N.Novgorod (in Russian)
20.05.12 QML training in St-Petersburg (in Russian)
20.05.12 Advanced Qt Summer School 2011 in India
20.05.12 QML training in Taganrog (in Russian)
19.05.12 The First Russian Maemo Conference and Open Training
17.05.12 Обновления
16.05.12 Call for participation in Semantic Web School and Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web conference
14.05.12 Telco 2011-08-08: Action Points (in Russian)
14.05.12 Telco 2011-07-11: Action Points (in Russian)
14.05.12 Telco 2011-07-04: Action Points (in Russian)
14.05.12 Telco 2011-06-20: Action Points (in Russian)
14.05.12 Telco 2011-06-15: Action Points (in Russian)
14.05.12 FRUCT Web Sites FAQ
14.05.12 2011-05-17 WebWG Telcon APs (in Russian)
14.05.12 QML training in Taganrog (in Russian)
13.05.12 Seminar program
13.05.12 8th FRUCT conference: program
13.05.12 8th FRUCT conference: first program draft is now available
12.05.12 8th FRUCT conference: venue
12.05.12 Fourth seminar program
12.05.12 4th Nokia week in St-Petersburg: Введение в моделирование на языке SDL
12.05.12 Вторая конференция Maemo: тренинг
11.05.12 Fifth seminar program
11.05.12 Internet of Things and Smart Spaces
10.05.12 News of Russian MAEMO Society and 2nd MAEMO conference
10.05.12 Первая российская конференция MeeGo: информация
10.05.12 Registration to the First Russian MeeGo Conference is now open
10.05.12 Extension of the paper submission deadline for FRUCT9 conference
10.05.12 Latest OpenHIP 0.8 release available for download
10.05.12 Week of Mobile Techologies in Nizhny Novgorod
10.05.12 Smart-M3 Materials
10.05.12 2nd Russian conference on Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web Technologies: Call for papers
10.05.12 Smart-M3 platform training
10.05.12 Фрактальные методы в экономике
10.05.12 AMICT 2011 workshop
10.05.12 Baltic Congress on Future Internet Communications BCFIC 2011
10.05.12 Вторая конференция Maemo: тренинг
10.05.12 Third seminar
10.05.12 Sixth FRUCT seminar
10.05.12 Second seminar
10.05.12 7th FRUCT conference program
09.05.12 Sixth FRUCT seminar
