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Latest changes and updates on the site

Updated date Titlesort ascending
28.12.11 Summer University 2010 - Telecommunication at DTU Fotonik
22.12.11 Call for Participation in QtQuick trainings
02.12.11 10th FRUCT Conference: Registration
02.12.11 Qt Quick for Mobile Development
02.12.11 Basics of H.264/AVC Video Compression
02.12.11 Training on QtQuick and Components in Yaroslavl (in Russian)
28.11.11 UbiComm 2011
22.11.11 ICUMT 2010
22.11.11 ICUMT 2009
22.11.11 ruSmart 2009
22.11.11 ruSmart 2008
20.11.11 Деятельность
20.11.11 Участники
20.11.11 События
14.11.11 VIII Mobile VAS Conference
14.11.11 FRUCT 10 conference
14.11.11 Semantic Web conference
13.11.11 The new design of FRUCT web forum
13.11.11 Program of the 10th FRUCT conference is published
13.11.11 Call for Participation in IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
07.11.11 Ubiq Mobile training
07.11.11 Platform security seminar
27.10.11 9th FRUCT conference registration
27.10.11 Accommodation
27.10.11 Venue
27.10.11 Mobile week in N.Novgorod
27.10.11 ICUMT 2011
27.10.11 CEE-SECR 2011
27.10.11 Call for paper to the 10th FRUCT conference (submission deadline September 19, 2011)
26.10.11 FRUCT March Newsletter
26.10.11 Win Nokia N900: challenge for Russian MAEMO developers
26.10.11 Libmeegotouch: Touch Everywhere (MeeGo Training)
26.10.11 Smart-M3 platform training
26.10.11 Platform security training
26.10.11 Security training and presentation
26.10.11 3-days Maemo event in Denmark
26.10.11 Registration to 4th Nokia week events
26.10.11 Week of Mobile Techologies in N. Novgorod: Maemo training
26.10.11 Week of Mobile Techologies in N. Novgorod: Qt training
26.10.11 Program of the 4th Nokia week & 7th FRUCT conference
26.10.11 Useful materials
26.10.11 FRUCT Qt Summer School 2010 in India
26.10.11 Информация
26.10.11 FRUCT Advanced Qt Summer School 2011 in India
25.10.11 2nd Finnish-Russian Mobile Linux summit
19.10.11 Platform security session
18.10.11 Call for Participation in Russian Mobile VAS Award
18.10.11 Training on QtQuick and Components in Moscow (in Russian)
16.10.11 4th Nokia week in St-Petersburg, April 26-30, 2010
16.10.11 Регистрация приложения для конкурса
09.10.11 Wonder The Valentine's Through Great Beaded Charms
06.10.11 Web Ready 2011
02.10.11 InterSystems CIS Student Innovator Awards 2011
30.09.11 AIS/CAD 2011, FRUCT-South
30.09.11 New2AN 2011
