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11th FRUCT Conference: Program

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The program of 11th FRUCT conference in St-Petersburg

23.04.12 09.00-18.00 QML for Mobile Development Training (in Russian): Getting started with QML, SPbETU “LETI”, Prof. Popova 5, Building 3, room 3402
24.04.12 09.00-18.00 QML for Mobile Development Training (in Russian): Graphics and Components, SPbETU “LETI”, Prof. Popova 5, Building 3, room 3402
25.04.12 09.00-12.00 QML for Mobile Development Training (in Russian): Extra components and capabilities, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, room 53-03 ENPI project meeting (only by invitation), SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67
12.00-14.00 Opening of 11th FRUCT conference, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall Welcome words and the main plenary session of the conference Keynote talk: Cross platform hybrid Internet applications, Knut Yrvin, Nokia
14.00-14.30 Coffee break (Main conference-hall)
14.30-16.10 Qt and cross platform solutions session, SUAI, Main conference-hall
16.10-16.40 Coffee break (Main conference-hall)
16.40-18.30 FRUCT info session - Status, News and Web WG meeting, SUAI, Main conference-hall
18.30-21.00 Meeting of the FRUCT Advisory Board (only by invitation)
26.04.12 09.00-11.00 Opening and Plenary session of the 1st Regional Seminar on Mobile Healthcare, Early Diagnostics and Fitness, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall
11.00-11.30 Coffee break (Main conference-hall)
11.30-13.00 Mobile Healthcare, Early Diagnostics and Fitness session I, SUAI, Main conference-hall Modeling of Embedded Solutions session, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, room 53-03
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.30 Mobile Healthcare, Early Diagnostics and Fitness session II, SUAI, Main conference-hall Embedded Solutions session, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, room 53-03
15.30-16.00 Coffee break (Main conference-hall)
16.00-18.00 Mobile Healthcare Working Group meeting, SUAI, Main conference-hall Network technologies session, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, room 53-03
18.00-18.30 Preparation to the Demo Session and Social Event, SUAI, Main conference-hall
18.30-21.00 Demo Session and Social Event, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall
27.04.12 09.00-11.00 Future of Telecommunications and Services session, SUAI, Main conference-hall Mobile Linux session, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, room 53-03
11.00-11.30 Coffee break (Main conference-hall)
11.30-13.00 Semantic Web and Knowledge mining session, SUAI, Main conference-hall Qt and Mobile Linux WG meeting, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, room 53-03
13.00-14.00 Lunch break
14.00-15.40 Privacy and Security session, SUAI, Main conference-hall Smart-M3 Platform session, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, room 53-03
15.40-16.00 Coffee break (Main conference-hall)
16.00-17.30 Smart Spaces and IoT WG meeting, SUAI, Main conference-hall Legal training-seminar: Patents and Copyright (in Russian), SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, room 53-03
17.45-18.00 Official closing of 11th FRUCT conference, SUAI, Main conference-hall

April 23 (Monday)
Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Prof. Popova 5, Building 3

Training: QML for Mobile
Development: Getting started with QML Room: 3402
Trainer: Kirill Krinkin
08:30 30m Registration (room 3402)
09:00 1.5h Introduction into QtQuick and QML. Technology overview, Introduction to QML, architecture
10:30 15m Coffee break
10:45 1.5h Basic elements (Item, Rectangle, Image, Text, Component, MouseArea), Property Binding, Component Layouts, Layouts and Anchors Application as states and transitions. Animations
12:15 45m Lunch break
13:00 1.5h Using QtCreator and tools for QML Apps. Mastering with tools, project structure discussion. Deploying QML application to device
14:30 15m Coffee break
14:45 1.5h QML and JS integration
16:15 1h45m Work on project
18:00   Closing of Day 1

April 24 (Tuesday)
Saint-Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI”, Prof. Popova 5, Building 3

Training: QML for Mobile
Development: Graphics and Components Room: 3402
Trainer: Kirill Krinkin
09:00 1.5h Data models and views. Model View Controller approach, components with models, delegates. XmlListModel
10:30 15m Coffee break
10:45 1.5h Page based applications. Application and windowing, Page and page stack navigation
12:15 45m Lunch break
13:00 1.5h Integration QML with C++
14:30 15m Coffee break
14:45 1.5h Networking. Getting access to the Internet, using WebView.
16:15 1h45m Work on project
18:00   Closing of Day 2

April 25 (Wednesday)
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Bolshaya Morskaya, 67

Training: QML for Mobile Development: Extra components and capabilities
Room: 53-03
Trainer: Kirill Krinkin
09:00 1.5h QML and Mobility. Multimedia.Playing sounds and video. Reading input from camera
10:30 75m Location components. Getting GEO position, using maps applets
10:00 2h Registration (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Session: Official opening of 11th FRUCT conference
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Sergey Balandin
12:20 20m Opening of the 11th FRUCT conference and welcome words from State University of Aerospace Instrumentation and General Consulate of Finnish Republic in St-Petersburg
12:40 20m Skolkovo Technology Challenges, Albert Efimov, Skolkovo, Russia
13:00 40m Keynote talk: Cross platform hybrid Internet applications, Knut Yrvin, Nokia, Norway
13:40 40m Coffee-break (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Session: Qt and cross platform solutions
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Knut Yrvin
14:20 20m Preprocessor Based Approach for Cross-Platform Development with Qt Quick Components, Ilya Paramonov, Andrew Vasilev, Denis Laure, Nikita Kozhemyakin, Yaroslavl State University, Russia
14:40 20m Firepoint: Application for Identified Fires Notification, Inessa Sofronova, Artem Timonin, Artem Kalinin, Alexander Troshkov, Alexander Borodin, Kirill Kulakov, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
15:00 20m Interactive Metro Map for Moscow and St.-Petersburg, Nikita Karpinsky, Evgeny Linsky, Alexander Malakhov, State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Russia
15:20 20m Context-awareness feature in Octotask task manager, Denis Laure, Ilya Paramonov, Yury Krupin, Andrey Vasilev, YarSU, Russia
15:40 20m EcoWatch - a social mobile service for environmental monitoring, Alexander Borodin, PetrSU, Russia
16:00 30m Coffee-break (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Session: FRUCT info session - Status, News and Open Meeting of Web Working Group meeting
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Sergey Balandin
16:30 40m Overview of FRUCT: current status and latest updates and presentation of NordSecMob program, Sergey Balandin, FRUCT, Finland
17:10 20m Personalization of the FRUCT social network, Valery Kirkizh, SUAI, Russia; Vitaly Petrov, Tampere University of Technology, Finland; Maria Komar, Polina Shishkina, YarSU, Russia
17:30 1h Planning of the FRUCT program future and Web WG open discussion
18:30   Closing of Day 2 followed by the meeting of FRUCT Advisory Board

April 26 (Thursday)
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Bolshaya Morskaya, 67

09:00 30m Registration and Day Agenda (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Session: Opening and Plenary session of the Regional Seminar on Mobile Healthcare, Early Diagnostics and Fitness
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Alexander Borodin
09:30 45m Mobile Healthcare in Russia, Oleg Medvedev, Moscow State University, Russia
10:15 45m Secure Remote Monitoring of Personal Medical Appliances, Andrei Gurtov, University of Oulu, Finland
11:00 30m Coffee-break (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Session: Mobile Healthcare, Early Diagnostics and Fitness I
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Andrei Gurtov
Session: Modeling of Embedded Solutions
Room: 53-03
Chairman: Valentin Olenev
11:30 45m Motivating people to be physically active: the role of technology and web, Konstantin Pekarskiy, Technogym SPA, Russia SDL/SystemC co-simulation and code auto-generation, Michel Gillet, Nokia, Finland
12:15 20m IT and Medicine. Interdisciplinary collaboration: Skolkovo case, Mobile biosensors, Albert Efimov, Skolkovo; Ivan Stoliarov, MSU, Russia Possibility of SystemC code generation from SDL specification, Pavel Morozkin, SUAI, Russia
12:35 20m Remote Monitoring of Human Body Joint Pains with Nokia N900 device, Tn Nagabhushan, S.P. Shiva Prakash, SJCE, India; Suresh Chande, Nokia, Finland; Prabhu Shankar, Emroy University, USA Code-generator of parallel assembly code for digital signal processor, Nikita Bukharenko, SUAI, Russia
13:00 1h Lunch break
Session: Mobile Healthcare, Early Diagnostics and Fitness II
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Oleg Medvedev
Session: Embedded Solutions
Room: 53-03
Chairman: Michel Gillet
14:00 20m Visualization of Human Posture Based on Accelerometer Data, Evgeny Tsvetkov, PetrSU, Russia Adaptive libraries for multicore architectures with explicitly-managed memory hierarchies, Konstantin Nedovodeev, SUAI, Russia
14:20 20m Sport Training System Based on ECG Monitor, Evgeny Stankevich, Ilya Paramonov, YarSU, Russia High-Level System-on-Chip Simulator, Aleksandr Orlov, Alexey Syschikov, SUAI, Russia
14:40 20m Mobile Arrhythmia Detector, Yuliya Zavyalova, Alexander Borodin, PetrSU, Russia SpaceWire network performance evaluation during the streaming STP data transmission, Ilya Korobkov, SUAI, Russia
15:00 30m Cross-platform ECG Compression Library for Mobile HealthCare Services, Alexander Borodin, Yuliya Zavyalova, PetrSU, Russia Plug & Play for SpaceWire networks: centralized algorithm, Ksenia Khramenkova, SUAI, Russia
15:30 30m Coffee-break (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Working Group meeting: Mobile Healthcare
Room: Conference-hall
Chairman: Oleg Medvedev
Session: Network technologies
Room: 53-03
Chairman: Andrey Ovchinikov
16:00 30m Innovative pocket-sized analyzers for continuous monitoring of volatile bio-marker moleculesexhaled via breathing and skin, Alex Tsyganov, Intro-Micro LLC, Russia Invited talk: Simulations and QoS in Modern Mobile Networks, Dmitry Petrov, Magister Solution Oy, Finland
16:30 40m Mobile Healthcare Working Group meeting Application perspective on wireless communication medium challenges, Pekka Jappinen, LUT, Finland
17:10 20m Fuzzy logic queue discipline processing over bottleneck link, Vladimir Deart, Andrey Maslennikov, MTUCI, Russia
17:30 30m On the Progress of Test Bench Development for IEEE 802.11-based WLAN Models Verification, Vitaly Petrov, Sergey Andreev, TUT, Finland; Maxim Egorov, YarSU, Russia
18:00 30m Preparation to the main conference-hall to the Demo Session and Social Event
18:30 2.5h Demo Session and Social Event (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)

April 27 (Friday)
Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Bolshaya Morskaya, 67

09:00 15m Registration and Day Agenda (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Session: Future of Telecommunications and Services
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Valtteri Niemi
Session: Mobile Linux
Room: 53-03
Chairman: Timofey Turenko
09:15 45m Future Telecommunications to make the Information Society a seamless reality, Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia, Italy Cgroups as a Resource Management Technique, Vladimir Zapolskiy, Nokia, Finland
Implementing Automatic Handover Solutions for Linux-based Mobile Devices, Nickolay Amelichev, FRUCT OSLL LETI, Russia
10:00 20m Mediator based Approach for Smart Spaces Integration, Yury Korolev, Kirill Yudenok, OSLL LETI lab, Russia Spatial filters implementation for Geo2Tag LBS platform, Vasilii Romanihin, Mark Zaslavskiy, Kirill Krinkin, FRUCT OSLL LETI lab, Russia
10:20 20m Smart space logistic service for real-time ridesharing, Alexey Kashevnik, Nikolay Teslya, SPIIRAS, Russia Traffic prediction in wireless mesh networks using process mining algorithms, Eugene Kalishenko, Kirill Krinkin, FRUCT OSLL LETI, Russia
10:40 20m SmartDiet - Personal Wellbeing Assistant and Diet Planner Mobile Service, Ekaterina Dashkova, TUT, Finland; Regina Dorokhova, OSLL LETI lab, Russia Power-saving routing algorithms in wireless mesh networks: A survey, Tn Nagabhushan, S.P.Shiva Prakash, SJCE, India; Kirill Krinkin, LETI, Russia
11:00 30m Coffee-break (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Session: Semantic Web and Knowledge mining
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Roberto Saracco
Working Group meeting: Qt and Mobile Linux
Room: 53-03
Chairman: Timofey Turenko
11:30 45m Context-driven data mining and knowledge extraction, Vladimir Gorodetsky, SPIIRAS, Russia Meeting of Qt and Mobile Linux Working Group
12:15 20m OWL-ontology visualization tool, Pavel Smirnov, Dmitry Mouromtsev, ITMO, Russia
12:35 20m Using Drool rule-platform for the optical CAD web-application development, Dmitry Mouromtsev, Maxim Kolchin, ITMO, Russia
13:00 1h Lunch break
Session: Privacy and Security
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Pekka Jappinen
Session: Smart-M3 Platform
Room: 53-03
Chairman: Alexey Kashevnik
14:00 40m Privacy in mobile communications, Valtteri Niemi, Nokia, Finland Smart-Space Working Group Activity Overview in 2011-2012, Alexey Kashevnik, SPIIRAS, Russia
A demo blog recommendation system for SmartScribo, Diana Zaiceva, Dmitry Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
14:40 20m Security key distribution while transmitting via an optical fibre with polarization and absorption, Anna Sotnikova, George Miroshnichenko, ITMO, Russia Synchronization Problems in Parallel Activity of SmartScribo Blog Processors, Rustam Kadirov, Ivan Galov, Dmitry Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
15:00 20m Maemo/MeeGo platform security: great framework or story of a failure, Timofey Turenko, FRUCT, Finland SmartSlog knowledge patterns: initial experimental performance evaluation, Pavel Vanag, Dmitry Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
15:20 20m Smart-M3 security activity, Kirill Yudenok, OSLL LETI, Russia Evaluation of the Smart Space Approach in Mobile Data Processing, Sergey Marchenkov, Pavel Vanag, Dmitry Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
15:40 20m Coffee-break (SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall)
Working Group meeting: Smart Spaces and Internet of Things
Room: Main conference-hall
Chairman: Sergey Balandin
Legal Training: Patents and Copyright (in Russian)
Room: 53-03
Trainer: Vyacheslav Turenko
16:00 1.5h Smart Spaces and Internet of Things WG meeting Legal training-seminar: Patents and Copyright, Intellectual property
17:45 15m Official closing of 11th FRUCT conference, SUAI, Bolshaya Morskaya 67, Main conference-hall