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15th FRUCT Conference: Program

ENPI Karelia CBC EU-Russia Year Nokia   IEEE


The conference program in PDF.


April 21, 2014 (Monday)
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", 5th building, conf. room, 1st fl., ul. Prof. Popova, 3

Hands-on training: Nokia Developers Workshop
Room: 5th building, conference room, 1st floor        Trainer: Michael Samarin
13:30 30m Registration
14:00 2h Developing for Nokia X Platform
16:00 30m Coffee break
16:30 2h Developing for Nokia X Platform (cont.)
18:30 30m Questions & Answers session
17:30   Closing of Day 1


April 22, 2014 (Tuesday)
St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", 5th building, conf. room, 1st fl., ul. Prof. Popova, 3

Hands-on training: Nokia Developers Workshop
Room: 5th building, conference room, 1st floor        Trainer: Michael Samarin
08:30 30m Registration
09:00 1.5h Advanced imaging with Nokia Imaging SDK
10:30 30m Coffee break
11:00 1.5h Advanced imaging with Nokia Imaging SDK (cont.)
12:30 1h Lunch break
13:30 1.5h Working with Windows Phone device APIs
15:00 30m Coffee break
15:30 1.5h Working with Windows Phone device APIs (cont.)
17:00 30m Questions & Answers session
17:30   Closing of Training


April 22, 2014 (Tuesday)
National Research University ITMO, Vasilievskiy island, Birzhevaya liniya 14, Auditorium 515

Hands-on training: Tizen Developers Lab
Room: Auditorium 515                                                                                                                                                               Trainer: Kirill Danilov
08:30 30m Регистрация
09:00 30m Общий обзор платформы Tizen
09:30 30m Обзор Tizen SDK: Введение и обзор работы с Tizen SDK
10:00 30m Tizen HTML5 разработка
10:30 30m Перерыв на кофе, общение участников, вопросы тренерам, и окончание установки SDK
11:00 1h Обзор Tizen Web Runtime и API устройств: Введение в HTML5 web runtime и API устройств
12:00 30m Лабораторная работа по Tizen:
Первый практический опыт разработки под Tizen с использованием SDK
12:30 30m Tizen Store: возможности для разработчиков. Размещаем первое приложение
13:00 30m Перерыв на кофе, общение участников и индивидуальные консультации у тренеров
13:30   Завершение Tizen DevLab


April 23, 2014 (Wednesday)
National Research University ITMO, Vasilievskiy island, Birzhevaya liniya 14, Auditorium 103

Session: Internal meeting of ENPI Karelia CBC projects (KA-179, KA-322, KA-432)
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Anton Shabaev
09:30 2h Internal seminar: discussion on the project progress, results and planning of the next half a year
Session: Official opening of the 15th FRUCT conference
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Sergey Balandin
11:30 1h 15th FRUCT Conference Registration
12:30 20m Official opening of the 15th FRUCT conference
12:50 20m Welcome words from ITMO
13:10 20m Welcome on behalf of ENPI Karelia CBC projects and overview of the projects lead by Petrozavodsk State University, Anton Shabaev, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
13:30 30m Position of the Russian Software development industry on the Global market in 2014: prospects and challenges, Valentin Makarov, Russoft, Russia
14:00 1h Lunch/Coffee break
Session: Mobile Healthcare, Early Diagnostics and Fitness
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Alexander Borodin
15:00 40m Invited talk: Security and Smartness for Medical Sensor Networks in Personalized Mobile Health Systems, Andrei Gurtov, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland
15:40 20m Mobile Device for Monitoring Heart Rate, Aleksandr Efimov, Pavel Rudych, Andrew Jakushin, Sergey Jakushin, Margarita Bizunova, Novosibirsk State University, and Zoya Pedonova, Novosibirsk State Technical University, Russia
16:00 20m “Accessibility Map” and “Social Navigator” Services for Persons with Disabilities, Kirill Kulakov, Yury Apanasik, Anton Shabaev and Irina Shabalina, Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
16:20 30m Coffee break
Session: Video and Multimedia
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Dmitry Korzun
16:50 20m Measurement Data Recognition from Seven-Segment Indicator by Mobile Device, Ivan Timofeev, Ilya Paramonov and Eldar Mamedov, YarSU, Russia
17:10 20m Recognition of hand gestures on the video stream based on a statistical algorithm with pre-treatment, Vitaly Palochkin, Alexander Maksimovskiy and Andrey Priorov, YarSU, Russia
17:30 20m Allocation of Text Characters of Automobile License Plates on the Digital Image, Ilya Trapeznikov, Andrey Priorov and Vladimir Volokhov, YarSU, Russia
17:50 20m Monocular Visual Odometry and 3D Reconstruction, Alexandr Prozorov, Vladimir Volokhov and Andrew Priorov, YarSU, Russia
18:10 20m Gender Classification for Real-Time Audience Analysis System, Vladimir Khryashchev, Lev Shmaglit, Andrey Shemyakov and Anton Lebedev, YarSU, Russia
18:30 20m Analysis of Capacity of Picocell with Dominating Video Streaming Traffic, Evgeny Bakin, Anna Borisovskaya and Igor Pastushok, SUAI, Russia
18:50   Closing of Day 3


April 24, 2014 (Thursday)
National Research University ITMO, Vasilievskiy island, Birzhevaya liniya 14, Auditorium 103

09:00 45m Conference registration
09:45 45m Invited lecture: The main challenges of m-Health: the most promising directions for research and development, Oleg Medvedev, Moscow State University, Russia, Auditorium 103
10:30 30m Coffee break
Session: Network Technologies
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Oleg Medvedev
WG: Smart Spaces and IoT       Chairman: Sergey Balandin
11:00 20m Towards Evaluation Study on Commissioning and Operation of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, Alexey Andrushevich, Alexander Kurbatski, Belarusian State University, Valeriy Lazovik, Victor Dravitsa, Vladimir Voitovich and Ihar Ravin, Centre for Identification Systems, Belarus FRUCT Smart Spaces and Internet of Things Working Group Meeting
11:20 20m Simulation-based Optimization of Signaling Procedures in IP Multimedia Subsystem, Jasmina Barakovic Husic, Alisa Hidic, Mesud Hadzialic, University of Sarajevo, and Sabina Barakovic, Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
11:40 20m A Hysteretic Model of Queuing System with Fuzzy Logic Active Queue Management, Andrey Maslennikov, Vladimir Deart, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, and Yuliya Gaidamaka, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russia
12:00 20m Improving Usability and Context Awareness over Fifth Generation (5G) Wireless Networks, Jussi Niutanen, Intel, Finland
12:20 20m Fairness Characterization in Contemporary IEEE 802.11 Deployments with Saturated Traffic Load, Aleksandr Ometov, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
12:40 20m IP-Address Reflection Scheme Implementation for Linux, Mike Krinkin, St Petersburg Academic University, and Kirill Krinkin, OSLL, Russia
13:00 20m Energy-efficient communication system based on nonlinear scattering of standard OFDM signals, Maxim Grankin, Evgeny Bakin and Alexander Volodin, SUAI, Russia
13:20 1.10h Lunch break
Session: Smart-M3 Applications Room
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Dmitriy Mouromtsev
14:30 20m Virtual Shared Workspace for Smart Spaces and M3-based Case Study, Dmitry Korzun, Ivan Galov, PetrSU, Alexey Kashevnik, SPIIRAS, Russia, and Sergey Balandin, ITMO, Russia / FRUCT Oy, Finland
14:50 20m Planning Social Activity in SmartRoom: Ontology-based Service Design, Andrey Vdovenko and Dmitry Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
15:10 20m Presence detection in SmartRoom: experimental performance evaluation, Sergey Marchenkov and Dmitry Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
15:30 20m Microphone Service for Use in SmartRoom System, Pavel Kovyrshin and Dmitry Korzun, PetrSU, Russia
15:50 20m An Approach for Monitoring and Smart Planning of Urban Solid Waste Management Using Smart-M3 Platform, Vincenzo Catania and Daniela Ventura, University of Catania, Italy
16:10 20m Smart Space-Based Intelligent Mobile Tourist Guide: Service-Based Implementation (video), Alexander Smirnov, Alexey Kashevnik, Andrew Ponomarev, Nikolay Shilov, Maksim Shchekotov and Nikolay Teslya, SPIIRAS, Russia
16:30 30m Coffee break
Session: Demos Promo: Presentation in Pecha Kucha format
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Ilya Paramonov
17:00 5m Geo-coding and Smart Space Platforms Integration Agent, Kirill Yudenok, SPbETU “LETI”, Russia Cellular Traffic Offloading onto WiFi Direct, Jussi Niutanen, Intel, Ixonos, Finland
17:05 5m Cellular Traffic Offloading onto WiFi Direct, Jussi Niutanen, Intel, Ixonos, Finland
17:10 5m Mobile Device for Monitoring Heart Rate, Alexander Efimov, Zoya Pedonova, NSU-Intel lab, Russia
17:15 5m Recognition of Blood Pressure Measument Data from Seven-Segment Indicator of Tonometer by Mobile Device, Ivan Timofeev, YarSU, Russia
17:20 5m Intelligent Mobile Tourist Guide – TAIS, Maxim Shchekotov, SPIIRAS, Russia
17:25 5m MariaDB Enterprise Cluster, Timofey Turenko, SkySQL, Finland
17:30 5m 27faces - Real-Time Online Audience Measurement System, Vladimir Khryashchev and Anton Lebedev, YarSU, Russia
17:35 5m QR-code healthy menu, Aleksei Karasavov, FRUCT OSLL, Russia
17:40 5m Analysis of Semi-structured Data Based on Area of Interest, Aleksandr Kozhenkov, ITMO, Russia
17:45 5m Porting CardiaCare app to Android platform, Alexandr Borodin and Yulia Zavyalova, PetrSU, Russia
17:50 10m Break and Preparation to Demo Session
Session: Conference social event combined with Demo session
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Ilya Paramonov
18:00 2.5h Demo Session and Social Event
20:30   Closing of Day 4


April 25, 2014 (Friday)
National Research University ITMO, Vasilievskiy island, Birzhevaya liniya 14, Auditorium 103

09:30 30m Conference registration
Session: Smart Systems and Embedded Networks
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Alexey Kashevnik
10:00 20m NoC Performance Parameters Estimation at Design Stage, Nadezhda Matveeva and Elena Suvorova, SUAI, Russia
10:20 20m The Analytical Model of Distributed Interrupt Mechanism in SpaceWire Network, Liudmila Koblyakova, SUAI, Russia
10:40 20m Analysis of the Transport Protocol Requirements for the SpaceWire On-board Networks of Spacecrafts, Valentin Olenev, Irina Lavrovskaya, Ilya Korobkov, SUAI, and Dmitry Dymov, JSC "Academician M.F. Reshetnev" Information Satellite Systems", Russia
11:00 20m The Guaranteed Power Supply System Using Distributed Generation on the Base of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, Boris Abramovich, Yuriy Sychev, National, Alexey Fedorov University of mineral resources «Mining», and Veronica Prokhorova, SUAI, Russia
11:20 30m Coffee break
Session: Mobile Device oriented solutions
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Kirill Kulakov
11:50 20m High-level componentization as a way of efficient server-side logic implementation in Ubiq Mobile platform, Alexandra Grazhevskaja, Valentin Onossovski and Dmitriy Timokhin, Russia
12:10 20m Web Mapping Service for Mobile Tourist Guide, Nikolay Teslya, SPIIRAS, Russia
12:30 20m Storage Efficient Backup of Virtual Machine Images, Artur Huletski, Saint-Petersburg Academic University of RAS, Russia
12:50 20m Virtual HSM Implementation in OpenVZ Containers, Dmitriy Kartashov and Kirill Krinkin, Saint- Petersburg Academic University of RAS, Russia
13:10 20m On Database for Mobile Phones Ownership, Dmitry Namiot, MSU, and Manfred Sneps-Sneppe, ZNIIS, Russia
13:30 1h Lunch break
Session: Modern User-centric Services and Solutions
Room: Auditorium 103        Chairman: Valentin Onossovski
14:30 20m Automated Approach for Rhythm Analysis of French Literary Texts, Elena Boychouk, Ilya Paramonov, Nikita Kozhemyakin and Natalia Kasatkina, YarSU, Russia
14:50 20m VODRE: Visualisation of Drools Rules Execution, Maxim Lapaev and Maxim Kolchin, National Research University ITMO, Russia
15:10 20m A Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Recommendation System Architecture Based on Locality-Sensitive Hashing, Alexander Smirnov and Andrew Ponomarev, SPIIRAS, Russia
15:30 20m Implementation of Program Part at Automated Workplace for a Teaching Department, Vitaly Ushakov, SUAI, Russia
15:50 10m Official closing of the 15th FRUCT conference, Auditorium 103

